Video: Eric Remjeske Participates in HSA Roundtable Discussion

Devenir’s Eric Remjeske recently participated in a Bank of America Roundtable disusing the latest HSA market trends and statistics.

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NYT: Using Health Savings Accounts to Invest for Retirement

Devenir’s 2014 Midyear HSA Research Report was recently cited in a New York Times article about utilizing HSAs for retirement.

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Health Savings Accounts Reach Almost $23 Billion in June

According to the 8th semi-annual Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) survey and resulting research report conducted by Devenir, HSAs have grown to an estimated $22.8 billion in assets and almost 11.8 million accounts as of June 30th, 2014.

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WSJ: Health Savings Accounts Can Double as Shadow IRAs

Devenir’s Jon Robb was recently cited in a Wall Street Journal article discussing the HSA marketplace and Devenir’s HSA Search website , a tool that allows HSA consumers to compare HSA providers side by side.

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Health Savings Accounts Exceed $20 Billion in January

According to the 7th semi-annual Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) survey and resulting research report conducted by Devenir, HSAs have grown to an estimated $19.3 billion in assets and 10.7 million accounts at year-end 2013 and well over $20 billion during the month of January.

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