WSJ: Tax Secrets of Health Savings Accounts

Devenir Research was cited in a recent WSJ article discussing savvy strategies HSA account holders may not be aware of.

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HSA Contribution & Withdrawal Activity Rebounds During the First Half of 2022

Devenir released the results of its 24th semi-annual health savings account survey and resulting research report. Devenir found that there is about $100 billion saved in almost 34 million HSAs at the end of June 2022.

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2021 Devenir & HSA Council Demographic Survey Findings

Devenir and the ABA’s HSA Council released the results of the 2nd annual Devenir & HSA Council Demographic Survey and resulting research report. The survey found that the 32.5 million health savings accounts that existed at the end of 2021 helped cover an estimated 67 million Americans.

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CNBC: You Can’t Contribute To a Health Savings Account Once You’re on Medicare. A Bipartisan Bill in Congress Would Change That

Devenir Research was cited in a recent CNBC article discussing proposed HSA legislation around changing contribution rules for Medicare.

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CNBC: Consumers Have Saved More Than $100 Billion in Health Savings Accounts

Devenir’s Jon Robb was quoted in a recent CNBC article referencing Devenir’s latest health savings account research.

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