HSAs gain traction with older and younger Americans alike, covering more than 63 million people across all 50 states at the end of 2020

Devenir & the American Bankers Association’s Health Savings Account Council released the results of the inaugural Devenir & HSA Council Demographic Survey and resulting research report. They found that 30 million health savings accounts that existed at the end of 2020 helped cover an estimated 63 million Americans.

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NYT: The Triple Tax Break You May Be Missing: A Health Savings Account

Devenir Research was cited in a recent New York Times article discussing leveraging an HSA as tax time approaches.

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HSA Investment Assets Soar to $23.8 billion, Up 52% In 2020

Devenir, a national leader in providing investment solutions for health savings accounts (HSAs), released the results of its 21st semi-annual health savings account survey and resulting research report. Devenir found that the number of HSAs has grown to now exceed 30 million, holding an estimated $82.2 billion in assets at the end of 2020.

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Devenir Report Forecasts Health Savings Account Assets to Exceed $100 Billion in 2022

Devenir, a national leader in providing investment solutions for HSAs, released the results of its 20th semi-annual health savings account survey and resulting research report. Devenir found that the number of HSAs has grown to now exceed 29 million, holding an estimated $73.5 billion in assets halfway through 2020.

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NYT: Health Savings Accounts Add Options in Pandemic, Including Telehealth

Devenir Research was cited in a recent New York Times article discussing changes to HSA rules prompted by the coronavirus outbreak.

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