NYT: Health Savings Accounts Add Options in Pandemic, Including Telehealth

Devenir Research was cited in a recent New York Times article discussing changes to HSA rules prompted by the coronavirus outbreak.

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Kiplinger: Tapping the Power of a Health Savings Account

Devenir’s Eric Remjeske was mentioned in a recent Kiplinger article discussing the power a health savings account can have in saving for future medical expenses. Devenir’s HSA Search was also mentioned as a resource for consumers to compare HSA providers.

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Health Savings Accounts Continue Strong Growth: HSA Assets Reach a Record $65.9 Billion

Devenir, a national leader in providing investment solutions for health savings accounts (HSAs), released today the results of its 19th semi-annual health savings account survey and resulting research report. Devenir found that the number of HSAs has grown to now exceed 28 million, holding an estimated $65.9 billion in assets at the end of 2019.

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Devenir Releases Viewpoints White Paper – Best Practices: HSA Investment Menu Design

Devenir, a market leader in HSA investments, has released a white paper Viewpoint exploring best practices for HSA investment menu design.

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NYT: Signing Up for an H.S.A.? First Figure Out How You’ll Use the Money

Devenir’s HSA research was cited in a recent New York Times article exploring questions a prospective HSA account-holder should ask themselves. Our HSA Search website was also mentioned as a useful tool for consumers looking to compare HSA provider options.

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